
Bongani Sibanda is the author of the novels Jimmy and the Giant Insects, The Goat that Refused to be Slaughtered, and the collections Grace and Other Stories, Everyone is a Robot Until Proven Otherwise and, Goodbye Thabo and Other Stories. In 2016, his short story collection was rejected by the Zimbabwean Ministry of Education for perceived political overtones

His short stories have been published in literary venues such as New Contrast Magazine, Munyori Literary Journal, Kalahari Review and Lolwe Magazine. He has also been featured in three of Weaver Press Short Story Collections – Writing Mystery and Mayhem (2015) Writing Lives (2014) and Windows into Zimbabwe (2020), which was translated into German. In 2015, he was long listed for the ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Award for Musoke, a fictional account of the Ugandan former rebel, Dominic Ongwen. In 2018, he attended the Caine Prize work shop in Gisenyi Rwanda, where he wrote Ngozi, a short story that featured in the Caine Prize collection, Redemption Song and Other Stories.